##################### Hard Starting Project ######################

# 1. Update the birthdays.csv with your friends & family's details. 
# HINT: Make sure one of the entries matches today's date for testing purposes. 

# 2. Check if today matches a birthday in the birthdays.csv
# HINT 1: Only the month and day matter. 
# HINT 2: You could create a dictionary from birthdays.csv that looks like this:
# birthdays_dict = {
#     (month, day): data_row
# }
#HINT 3: Then you could compare and see if today's month/day matches one of the keys in birthday_dict like this:
# if (today_month, today_day) in birthdays_dict:

# 3. If step 2 is true, pick a random letter from letter templates and replace the [NAME] with the person's actual name from birthdays.csv
# HINT: <https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_string_replace.asp>

# 4. Send the letter generated in step 3 to that person's email address.
# HINT: Gmail(smtp.gmail.com), Yahoo(smtp.mail.yahoo.com), Hotmail(smtp.live.com), Outlook(smtp-mail.outlook.com)

import datetime as dt
import pandas
import smtplib
import random
import os

my_email = "[email protected]"
password = "XXXX"

data = pandas.read_csv("birthdays.csv")
bd_dict = {(data_row.month, data_row.day): data_row for (index, data_row) in data.iterrows()}

now = dt.datetime.now()
current_date = (now.month, now.day)
file = random.choice(os.listdir("letter_templates"))
message_file = f"letter_templates/{file}"

if current_date in bd_dict:
    bd_name = bd_dict[current_date]["name"]
    bd_email = bd_dict[current_date]["email"]
    with open(message_file) as message:
        content = message.read()
        content = content.replace("[NAME]", bd_name)

    with smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com") as connection:
        connection.login(my_email, password)
            msg=f"Subject:Happy Birthday!\\n\\n{content}"